Cultivating Presence & Awakening to Your Journey


Our lives... constantly pulsing, changing and moving towards what most of us are afraid of... death. I know, I know most of you want to stop reading and run for the grassy knolls, but I urge you to read on. Michael Singer said it best in his book, The Untethered Soul, “No person or situation could ever teach you as much as death has to teach you. While someone could tell you that you are not your body, death shows you. While someone could remind you of the insignificance of the things that you cling to, death takes them all away in a second. While people can teach you that men and women of all races are equal and that there is no difference between the rich and the poor, death instantly makes us all the same.” 

So, there you have it. Why does it take bottoming-out for most of us to realize that connection to ourselves and others is what matters most? Last weekend I watched as my 9-year-old son was pummeled to the ground during a soccer tournament. He wasn’t moving. You could feel the silence, shock and awe move across the field in one fail swoop. It was as if everyone else stopped in time and I ran as fast as I could to his side. Thank goodness it was nothing more than a hard blow to the thigh, but it was amazing and, at the same time, beautiful that compassion took over competition. How quickly we were all reminded of what matters most, not winning but loving.

While these moments are teaching moments during our lifetimes, many of us tend to return to what I call “surface living” within minutes. So, how do we remain present so that we don’t miss the opportunity to love more, connect more and see more than meets the eye? I have a few ideas…

Death as Your Teacher

As Michael Singer’s quote above points out, death is our greatest teacher of all time. The majority of our society might shudder at the thought of even talking about death, but the great sages and yogis live their lives preparing for it. In this way, they embrace the reality that every Earthling will meet their fate at some point, so they choose to make the most out of what they are given. If you live as if you were going to die tomorrow, what would do? What would you choose to detach from, get rid of, change, manifest? How would you treat your loved ones, the cashier at the grocery store, the homeless woman on the street, YOURSELF? What are you waiting for?! 

Your Breath, Your Anchor

Sounds simple, but learning the power of your breath is one of the most profound tools you carry with you at all times. Think about it…every time you get frustrated or angry, what is one of the first ways you naturally relieve stress? You sigh, you huff, you take a deeper breath. As humans, using the breath to relieve stress is innate. However, if not aware, we choose not to use the breath to our greatest advantage. Next time you find yourself amidst chaos, try some conscious breathing. Slowly, breathe in for four counts, breathe out for four counts. If that works, try extending the breath for a beat or two. Breathing deeply while counting will bring your focus to present moment…the only place where life truly exists. Take several rounds until you feel your energy settle. Your body is the portal between Earth and sky. Your breath brings you more deeply into the moment, grounding you, returning you back home.

Mantra for Mindfulness

Learning the power to change your thoughts is invaluable when it comes to realizing the beauty in every moment. At every turn, you have the opportunity to see things in a new way and ground yourself in the here and now in a whole new way. Last week in class, we worked with the mantra “I am home” to tap into the feeling of presence and feeling safe within ourselves. Energy begets like energy. Once you practice with changing your thoughts, you begin to change your energy and get the most of where you are in space and time. Last week, I wrote about using affirmations to Awaken Sleeping Joy, and cultivation presence can be done in the same way. Your mind, your mood, your moment…all yours to enjoy though changing your self-talk.


So, what will you choose today? Light, love, and lessons through awareness or something that sucks all of the positive energy out of you making you miss what is right in front of you? It is that easy - to start with a choice. No one else can do it for you! Remind yourself that time is short, but you can actually extend time in any moment by bringing your presence to it. There is only one YOU in the world and one YOU that can make your life the absolute best it is supposed to be. Make no mistake about that.

Love, Whitney